The Power of Five

The Voice and I were just talking about LESS. LESS is my focused attraction description of the attributes of people who love Writing Down Your Soul.

Here’s how I got LESS. I was writing on Jan 12th after a glorious inaugural booksigning at Wings Bookstore in St Pete, and I told DG that all Writing Down Your Soul needs is more Sharon Jebbens–the manager. What is Sharon? I asked, and immediately my hand wrote:

Loves the book
Embraces the practice
Sees the potential
Spreads the word

I laughed. All this book needs is LESS. (A whole new take on the adage “less is more,” don’t you think?)

Then I realized that Writing Down Your Soul’s readers are also LESS. So are all the guides, like coaches and therapists, who encourage people to start writing down their souls. Bottom line is everyone who falls in love with this book is LESS.

So the Voice and I were talking about getting more LESS. And the Power of Five showed up on the page. As soon as I saw the words, I knew what it meant:

If each person who reads this blog forwards it to five people…

If each person who gets the Writing Down Your Soul newsletter, forwards it to five people… (Don’t get it? Sign up here)

If each person who loves the book, tells five friends… Or gives it to five people as a gift… (You can get a signed copy at my website.)

If each bookseller tells five people who come into their store…

If each coach, therapist, hypnotist, acupunturist or other professional guide tells five clients…

Writing Down Your Soul would reach the hands and hearts of all who seek it–nevermind, make the NYT Bestseller Advice/How to list.

I know you have this power. I recently traced over 200 readers to one woman, Gwynn Kelley who came to a pre-publication Writing Down Your Soul workshop at Unity Church of Palm Harbor. She told a friend, Polly Memhard, in Riverside CT, who told her friend, Martha Howland. Between Polly and Martha over 150 people have been to Writing Down Your Soul workshops and events in CT. PLUS, Gwynn told her daughter who told a life coach in south Florida who called me to help her put together a women’s soul writing class.

I have story after story like this of one person who contacted another and another and suddenly a whole room full of people are reading Writing Down Your Soul.

I may have written the book, but you have the power to get it into people’s hands. Thank you for being the Power of Five. Five, by the way, represents change and anyone who engages in divine dialogue with their wise, loving, inner Voice is going to be guided to wise loving changes in his or her life.

Does the idea of having the power of five make you smile? Please start talking, forwarding, sharing, encouraging…spreading the word. I’m inviting everyone who demonstrates the Power of Five to contact me for a special invitation-only teleclass on Dec 29th to create the Soul Day that will call in a magical new year. Just send me an email at and tell me how you are the Power of Five.

Want to learn more about Focused Attraction? I learned it from Rev Lauren McLaughlin of UnityNow.