Writing Down Your Soul — The Painting!

Writing Down Your Soul by Nicole Raisin Stern

Writing Down Your Soul by Nicole Raisin Stern

Last fall, Maggie Stultz, a clay artist in Virginia, participated in a Writing Down Your Soul teleclass. We’ve stayed in touch ever since.

Today, Maggie sent an email with this sweet present attached–the first (and as far as I know, only) painting of Writing Down Your Soul.

Maggied loved the book so much she gave a copy to her friend and fellow artist, Nicole Raisin Stern.

Nicole is traveling cross country right now with her two favorite companions: this book and her kitten Bodhi.

I’m beyond tickled. When I look at this painting, all I can do is smile. Big smile. Outrageous smile. Oh my God, smile. Doesn’t it make you smile, too?

Nicole and her artwork are available at:

breakfast by the creek


Hey, I wonder how many other books have had their portrait painted? Do you know of any?

Miracles in Minnesota



Do you forget how to call in miracles? I do. Despite all the miracles I’ve manufactured in my life, especially during my darkest months, I forget. I forget really quickly. A memory fog slips in unannounced and engulfs me, and suddenly I can’t remember how to do it. Heck, I can’t even remember how it feels. You know what happens then? I get scared. That is until I have another proof that miracles are real and miracles happen to me.

That’s what happened Sunday. I’m in Minneapolis for a week of Writing Down Your Soul events. I began the week teaching a workshop at Unity Christ Church on Sunday. As my sister and sister in law drove me to church, I said a little prayer: “Gabriel, if you’re here, please bless me.” A few miles later, I saw a bulge on a lightpost ahead. As we got closer, I thought, “That almost looks like an osprey.” As we passed under the post, I thought, “That IS an osprey.” And as she looked back, my sister, Mary, said, “Uh, isn’t that an osprey?” She knows that ospreys for me represent Gabriel. Mary was surprised. She’d never seen an osprey on the Minneapolis freeway. I laughed and clapped and shouted my thanks. After a little Gabriel sighting, I was ready to teach, knowing I was guided, protected, and loved.

That would have been miracle enough for the day, but Rev Pat Williamson stunned me when he grabbed my book in the middle of his lesson on the soul and started reading from it. Then, he turned to me and invited me up to the podium to talk about my workshop on Writing Down Your Soul. Usually the workshop presenter gets a couple minutes at the end of the service, not five minutes in the middle of the lesson!

After Rev Pat’s lesson, a singer went up to the mike. He said, “Close your eyes and make a wish.” I did. I closed my eyes and said to myself, “I wish Rev Pat would recommend me to other Unity churches.” Short, simple, focused wish. Then the musician sang, “When You Wish Upon a Star,” from Pinnochio.

At the end of the service, I scooted out to get to the table in the lobby to sign books. And oh, did I sign books. The church had a case, but ran out. As I finished speaking to the last buyer, Rev Pat came up to me and gave me a big hug. He looked me in the eye and said, “How can I help you? I’d like to introduce you to other Unity churches. Is that OK with you?”

I laughed out loud and told him my wish just moments before. He roared and we both shouted, “God works fast!”

And God does. Ask and receive. It’s so simple. And so hard to remember. So hard to trust. So hard to believe.

So try it yourself. Today, right now, this moment, sitting right there in front of your computer, close your eyes for a moment, and make a wish. One simple, focused, clear wish. Do it now.

Then, when it happens — and it will, maybe not in the way you expect, but it will — please, come back and leave a comment. Your miracle will inspire someone else. Someone who needs a miracle today.

So, what’s your wish?

Why writing down your soul? And why now?

I didn’t learn writing down your soul. I didn’t read about it in a book or hear about it from a friend. I didn’t take a class or find it in a magazine article. I stumbled upon it–with a little help from Harley, my Great Dane puppy. Hey, as far as I can tell, heaven is always in on the act somewhere, guiding, supporting, and, OK, nudging when necessary. I just took a little more than the average nudging.

But I did finally respond. And just like everyone who makes a big “aha” discovery, I was where I needed to be, I followed my instincts, I took the plunge and tried something new, and then–this is important–I paid attention to the results. That’s how the process of deep soul writing was discovered.

But, so what? I mean, does that matter? Does that matter to anyone but me? I think so. I think it matters now more than ever. Because it seems that right now everyone has questions. Everyone is looking for answers. Everyone could use a little more wisdom, a little more direction, a little more love.

Could writing down your soul help you? See for yourself.

Look who’s writing a note to God

A friend sent me this video of Charice, Oprah’s teenage phenom, singing “Note to God” with a note that said, “I thought of you the moment I heard this.” At first, I thought, I don’t have time to watch this. But then I came to my senses. Busy doesn’t solve my problems. Writing a note to God does.

Enjoy. (Then pick up a pen and write your own note to God.)